1.     An Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of members of Ram Vihar Apartments Owners Welfare Society was held on a virtual platform in Ram Vihar, Sector 30, Noida from 1700 hrs onwards, on Sunday 30 May 2021; consequent to a notice issued by the Board of Management (BOM) on 08 May 2021.


2.    44 members attended the meeting. Attendance was checked, physically recorded and quorum declared complete by the Secretary,  Col Krishan Kant, F-224.


3.     The AGM was presided over by the Society President, Brig Ashok Anand, A-103.The meeting commenced with homage to residents and members who left for their heavenly abode, during the tenure of the outgoing BoM.


4.    Thereafter, the President welcomed  members who have joined the RVAOWS since 01 Jun 20. Salient points covered in Opening Remarks of the President are: -

       a)  The outgoing BoM assumed charge on 01 Jun 20 during the first wave of the current COVID- 19 pandemic. The year has been challenging both for residents as well as the BoM.

       b) The current wave, though short, has been swift and more damaging. In six weeks between 31 Mar to 10 May 21; in our campus 29 apartments with 42 individuals were affected; as against 14 apartments and 22 individuals during Jun-Dec 20.

      c) But with the co- operation of residents, in spite of various restrictions, and perseverance of members of the BoM, we have managed to reach thus far with minimal aberrations.




Review of Minutes of the last Meeting


5.     Secretary, Col Krishan Kant, F-224, read out the minutes of the Special General Body Meeting held on 05 Jul & 12 Jul 2020. The general body passed the minutes, as follows:

      a) Proposal was moved by Dr Ashok Wadhwa, D 416.

       b) Seconded by : Mr VK Srivastava, A 401.


Review of Balance Sheet for Financial Year 2020-21


6.    Major aspects of the account and balance sheet for  FY 2019-20 were presented by the Treasurer, Brig S Visvanathan, F 723:-

    a)  Accounts and balance sheet for the FY 2020-21 was uploaded on the Society mail and placed on all notice boards on 25 May 21. Members were requested to scrutinize the same.

 b) Salient features are given below:-

  • Corpus. In the Corpus, the Society had Rs 63.69 L on 31 Mar 20.  This General Body had sanctioned Rs 28 lakhs from the corpus, during the SGBM held on 07 and 12 Jul 2020;for resurfacing of roads. However, only Rs 17.53 L was used from the Corpus for this purpose. 
  • After adding Rs 10 L over the past FY to the Corpus, instead of the mandatory Rs 5 L and the interest earned, as on 31 Mar this year, now we have Rs 61.69 Lakhs as the Corpus amount. Interest accrued on FDs was Rs 5.53 L.
  • In addition, the Society has FDs amounting to another Rs 14 Lakhs- described as Maintenance FDs.


  • Road Resurfacing Project. Only Rs 18.59 L has been spent on this major project. Of this amount, Rs 14.45 L has been paid to the contractor in two work linked stages during the FY under review and Rs 2.03 L was paid in the new FY, once tack coat was applied, after Holi. Fortunately, the work was completed just in time at our insistence, else that would have also got stalled due to the current lockdown. Rs 1.85 L has been kept as Performance Guarantee, payable   only on satisfactory completion of pending observations after a year of completion of the work i.e. in Nov21.


  • Income for FY 20-21.Our income went up from 79.74 L to 80.94 L. The General Body may note that based on decisions taken during past meetings, the Monthly Maintenance Subscription was enhanced from Rs 2600 pm to Rs 2800 pm from Jul 20 and then to Rs 3000 pm from Apr this year. In the current FY over 60 residents have paid annual charges, benefitting from the 3% rebate offered by the Society. Consequently, the new BoM will be in a position the make some short-term FDs which are designated as Maintenance FDs to meet regular expenses of the Society.


  • This increase in Maintenance Subscription has helped tide over the much-reduced incidental income in the past year from sources such as Shop Charges, Canopy and Stall charges, use of Community Hall and Scrap sales, earnings from the shop etc. Better monitoring of payments made by residents, substantial increase in sale of flats from which Rs 7.17 L have been earned against 5.40L in the previous year have also helped in maintaining a reasonable flow of funds. Six properties have changed hands despite the lockdown. 


  • The BoM has also started collecting Electricity charges from facility owners. This should be continued.
  • Expenditure. We have spent Rs 85.6L. Major expenses have been on AMC for lifts  painting of common areas which had been left over from the FY 2019-20, desilting and drain cleaning, pipeline repairs, pump repairs and interlocking tiles laid besides the perimeter road on two sides of Ram Vihar. 
  • Commencement of AMC Charges for eight lifts from Jun 20 and the balance six from Jan this year have resulted in a major increase in expenditure. We are now required to pay AMC charges on all 14 lifts as the Warranty period is over. We paid Rs 2.52 L in the past FY towards AMC and two bills are still pending as the details have not been corrected by the company,


  • After the painting exercise of common areas in FY19-20, the remaining 4 blocks and five floors of one block were taken up in 20-21 through Asian Paints. This exercise was completed at a cost of Rs 5.10 lakhs i.e just over a lakh per block all inclusive. In fact, the machine rooms on top floors, the overhanging fire escape area between the 5th and 6th floor and windows along stairways; were also painted.


  • Drain Desilting, which cost Rs 3.14 L in the current FY, was last undertaken in 2 or 3 phases in 2012 and 2013 but not completed fully. This exercise has however been completed in 2020 before the road resurfacing project was taken up. It involved removing 100 % drain covers, digging up and taking away the hard silt and setting back the stones as also replacing the broken ones. NO contractor was hired and the entire job was done by hired labour under close supervision of the Society staff. Even the replacement drain covers were fabricated in house.
  • Interlocking Tiles. Total cost was Rs 1.56 L. This job was also undertaken entirely by Society staff with outsourced labour. 
  • The society being more than 25 years old, water pipelines have started showing their age. Major expenditures have taken place in the pipeline system. Over Rs 2.45 L has been spent on the water supply system which included major expenditures on deep boring and installation of a new submersible pump to overcome the water shortage.


  • Pump Room. 50% of the pipes and bends of our Fire Fighting and Water Supply pumps have been replaced, entailing expenditure of Rs 82000. 


  • After a long time and wasted efforts with many CAs who were more often Not Available to the Society, we now have a reliable Financial Consultant and Company Secretary, selected after due diligence, who has helped streamline many of our procedures, file TDS in time and has helped settle many past Income Tax observations, which had not been done for many years. Expenditure on Accounting and Professional Services has been Rs 1.33 L.


  • Small hikes in wages have been given to our own staff and the Security and Housekeeping staff, these incremental increases are highly justified keeping in view cost of living and their outstanding services throughout the lock down. We are  pleased to inform the house that not a single day’s breakdown in services occurred for the entire duration.


 7.  Thereafter, the President invited observations and queries. Queries raised and response were as follows.


 8. Backup Water Supply Lines.

  • Brig Om Prakash, B 607 recommended that we should replace water pipelines in a phased manner. Col Aghi,F 423 stated that this issue had been considered earlier and could not be taken up due to feasibility issues.
  • The President stated that the new BoM should re- consider the same.


   9. Horticulture. Mr MS Quereshy, C 709 suggested that society should have a plan for more greenery and planting Imli and other saplings. President requested the incoming BoM to examine the suggestion.


  10. The house then approved the balance sheet of the Ram Vihar Society, and audit report of FY 2020 -21 by M/S H Aggarwal & Co, FRN 0356656N and passed the Accounts as follows: 

Proposed by: Lt Col TC Aghi , F 423

Seconded by: Brig NK Dhand,D 616.



Appointment of Auditor

11.  After a brief discussion, the General Body authorised the incoming BoM to recommend the appointment of an Auditor for FY 20-21; after due diligence. General body also stated that the Auditor and the CA should be from different companies.

      a)  Proposed by: Lt Col Avinash Varma, C 001.

      b)  Seconded by: Lt Col Krishan Kant F 224.


Election of New Board of Management

 12. The outgoing President requested the Returning Officer to come forward and commence the Election process.


13. After a brief introduction, the returning officer Mr N Sundra Raman, A-203, declared that following members have been elected unopposed, since only one nomination was received for each post. The new BoM will assume office from 01 June 2021; as per Society Bye-laws, 2016.


       a)  President : Lt Col TC Aghi, F 423.                            

       b) Vice President :   Mr VK Srivastava ,A 401.

      c) Secretary   : Lt Col Avinash Varma, C 001.         

      d) Treasurer   : Dr  Ashok Wadhwa, D 416.      

       e) Joint Treasurer : Mrs Rupa Roy, G 527.     

       f) Joint Secretary  : Mrs Meena Kumar: D 116.                              


14. Vote of Thanks.

        a)     Proposed by :  Brig NK Dhand.

        b)     Seconded by: Col SK Maini.


15. There being no other points, the President declared the meeting closed.



   31 May 21                                                                         Secretary

Brig Narinder Dhand,
Founder & Convener
Veteran's Web Portals.

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