1.  The said project has been undertaken by the BoM by laying a new pipeline around Ram Vihar approximately 490 meters taking the length on the higher side at an cost of approximately Rs 24.6 lakhs against the total project cost projected to be under 20 Lakhs. This point along with the invalidity of the Bye-Laws was raised during the meeting on 14 Jul 2024 as follows in succeeding paras

2.  An additional work on resurfacing the Ram Vihar Roads has emerged because of digging the roads using JCB and filling it with concrete against better and more economical options which were not explored. The repair of the roads will cost over Rs 5 Lakhs which could have been avoided.

3.  By just counting the amount already spent of Rs 34.6 Lakhs which means that per meter cost of the pipeline works to Rs 5100/- approx, which by no means can be considered as economical. This cost will jump to Rs 6100/- per meter when we take into account the repair of the roads. which is merciless and wasteful expenditure undertaken by the BoM . 

4.   In view of the above the issue was raised during the 14 July 24 meeting and is being pursued asking the BoM to hold an internal audit of the project by constituting a committee of the knowledgeable members of the society and present the audit report in a specially called meeting of the members / Residents to justify why the contractual procedures were set aside and why not an expert committee formed to examine and undertake the project.

5.  On going through the correspondence one will understand why the BoM is trying to bulldoze and pass dictatorial sermons to prove their innocence least realising that by doing so the ground realities can be changed.

6.  The date wise correspondence is listed below and on clicking on the the LINK against each will open the letter for your perusal :- 

a.  5 Jul 2024 - Points submitted for discussion during the  14 July meeting.   CLICK - LINK.

b.  7 July 2024 - The points were contested by the BoM a virtual rejection by stating that there was nothing wrong any where.  CLICK-LINK

c.  11 Jul 2024 - above letter was replied withe details on each point quoting the legal and other procedures.  CLICK-LINK

      Note - The meeting was held on 14 July 24 where  the question on legal validity of BYE-Laws was raised and in addition the execution of project and damage to the road was also raised which raised the temperatures  of the BoM since they never expected that their deed will be questioned. The BoM is not keeping the entire Corpus Funds under one Corpus Head but splitting then under three heads incl general funds so that they can spend the funds at their will without taking approval of the General Body. The BoM announced that any one can peruse the files/documents of the project in the office. This offer was taken to peruse the files, hence here on The communication that follows on the issues on these aspects, which is important for all members to peruse.

d.   12 Aug 2024 -  Letter to BoM to produce certain relevant documents as listed and not the files.  CLICK-LINK

e.   26 Aug 2024  - Letter to BoM after visiting the office to peruse the contract documents which were not available since the BoM did not issue any Tenders or signed any contract or MOUs or placed work orders with terms and conditions which are normal for any high value project being undertaken on public money.

f.   01 Sep 2024 - Para wise Reply by BoM on 26 Aug letter virtually declaring all points irrelevant or rejected, an effort to bulldoze.   CLICK-LINK

       Note -  The response by the recipient against each para has been annotated in their 01 sep letter for convenience of the readers.  

g.   26 Sep 2024 - Letter to BoM urging them to see the light and act to prove their innocence in carrying out this project after internal audit and getting updated Bye-Laws approved by the General Body as per the Up Ste Apartment Act-2010 and Rules promulgated by the Governor of the State by majority vote in a meeting held with minimum of 2/3rd members of the society attending to save future embarrassments not only tot the BoM but also to the Ram Vihar Society.  CLICK-LINK

7.  No one is beyond the law and any violation of the same is an offence. The laid down legal provisions can not ne diluted or ignored by any one siting any reasons of ignorance or difficulty in adhering to the provisions. 

8.  No society allows the BoM to have total freedom in spending the public funds at their whims and fancies. It is a serious issue which affects all the members who contribute to the society funds out of their hard earned money

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