These were approved during the AGM held on 22 May 16, are placed below on this site (Hamara Ramvihar (Ram Vihar Blog) at  These Bye Laws come into force wef  01 Jun 2016 till further review as resolved during the AGM held on 22 May 16.
Only limited copies have been printed for submission to various authorities and for reference by members. Individual copies can be supplied against firm demand & on payment of Rs 100, in advance.          


a) EC will now be known as Board of Management (BoM), as given in UP Apartment Act, 2010.
b) BoM will comprise of six elected members as against eight earlier. Two co-opted members can be in addition, as hither to fore.
c) Administrative instructions on subjects like security, accounts, parking etc have been de-linked from Byelaws.
d) New BoM will compile existing instructions and issue a separate Booklet on Society Rules.
e) An elaborate Chapter on Obligations of Apartment Owners has been included in Bye laws, 2016.
f) Matters relating to resignation/ removal of members of BoM & filling up vacancies in BoM have been refined.
g) Notice required for a requisitioned Special meeting of the General Body (SGBM) is now only seven days.



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                                                                                           Price: Rs. 100/-


      Ser No            CONTENT                                                   Page(s)
1.     Introduction                                                              (i)-(iii)
2.     Chapter I: Preliminaries                                        1 - 3
3.     Chapter II: Voting, Quorum and Elections               4 - 7
4.     Chapter III: Administration                                    8 - 9
5.     Chapter IV: Board of Management                        10 - 15
6.     Chapter V:  Obligation of Apartment Owners          16 - 22
7.     Chapter VI: Funds and their Investment                23- 24
8.     Chapter VII: Miscellaneous                                   25
1.    Ram Vihar is a residential multistory complex comprising of 202 apartments in G plus 7 configuration spread over 17200.52 sq meters of leasehold land allotted to Army Welfare Housing Organization (AWHO), on 90 years lease with effect from 24 Apr 1990. It is located in Plot No F-1, A Block of Sector 30, NOIDA. Handing over of individual Dwelling Units commenced in Jun 1995.Society was registered in 1997 with the Regional Office, Deputy Registrar, Firms, Societies & Chits; Meerut vide Registration No131/1997-98. Registration is renewed every five years. Next renewal is due by 21 Apr 2017.
2.    It was initially planned for allotment to serving and retired Army, Air Force and Naval officers and other specified categories. The project was conceived with one vehicle parking space, covered or open, per dwelling unit and a few two wheeler parking spaces under stilts. Water supply was designed with underground storage sumps, with motors to pump water to   overhead tanks on roof tops. Two elevators per block and two 250 KVA generating sets were also provisioned .The project provided for 62 Channels (47- 550 MHz) Cable TV system with two outlets per dwelling unit  with  concealed balanced coaxial cable distribution system. A perimeter wall with two gates was also provided. Due to paucity of land, no sports complex was planned.
3.    All areas, other than subleased dwelling units, are designated as Common Area.
4.    After completion of project and gradual occupation, 400 VA power back up was created within existing generator capacity. Later, an
Intercom system connecting all DUs was installed by the Society in 1997-98. A  CCTV system was installed in 2009.
5.    Dwelling units were constructed and sold to allottees as sub-leased. Though the promoter, ie AWHO, remains a lessee of Noida Authority for the land allotted to them for the construction of the residential complex, they got a society of allottees (sub-lessees) formed and registered and handed over to it the common areas and ancillaries for the purpose of maintenance and administration  on behalf of the allottees. It is compulsory for all dwelling unit owners to be members of the Society.
6.    AWHO has granted membership to either a serving defence person or a   retired defence person, widow of a Defence Services Officer or a specified category eg Defence Civilians. Even when a Dwelling Unit is sold to non entitled categories or civilians, membership is allotted in a single name only. However, when a DU is registered with Revenue Authority (NOIDA Authority, in our case); they allow registration in joint names for the purpose of ownership and ease of mutation for inheritance. It should be noted that the membership of the Society and joint registration are two different things. Joint registration with NOIDA Authority does not confer any right on the Joint Registrant to seek joint membership. As membership entitles a person to participate in the deliberations of the General Body and vote on resolutions moved therein and to contest and hold an office in the Board of Management (BoM), such membership is restricted to an allottee of AWHO and in case of subsequent joint registration by an allottee, to the first named person in the registered document and to subsequent buyers approved by AWHO. Such members can exercise the facility of appointing a proxy or give special power of attorney to anyone including a joint registrant to vote on their behalf in the meetings of the Society.
7.    Since our byelaws are of 2007 vintage, a review has been undertaken with following parameters:-
a)    Use of similar definitions and terminology as found in the UP Apartment Act 2010, to the extent possible.
b)   Experience gained by Society in the last 20 years in matters of daily routine, elections, accounts, security, administration etc is adequately utilized.
c)    Model Byelaws of the UP Apartment Act, 2010, mutatis mutandis, are incorporated in the present Byelaws to align them with the new laws.
1.    Short title, and application
a)    These bye-laws may be called the Bye-laws of Ram Vihar Apartment Owners Welfare Society (RVAOWS); hereinafter called the Society.
b)   The provisions of these Bye-laws apply to RVAOWS.
2.    Definitions. In these bye-laws, unless the context otherwise requires,—
a)    'Act' means Societies Registration Act, 1860 read with the Uttar Pradesh Apartment (Promotion of Construction, Ownership and Maintenance) Act 2010.
b)   'Society' means the Society formed by apartment owners of the Ram Vihar complex.
c)    Board’ means the Board of Management (earlier called Executive Committee) consisting of six elected office bearers who shall be the members of RVAOWS and two nominated members who need not be Society members.
d)   Building’ means the buildings located in A Block, Sector 30, NOIDA 201303 (UP) known as Ram Vihar; which includes the land appurtenant thereto.
e)    'Owners' or 'apartment owners' means the person owning an apartment in Ram Vihar with tripartite deed duly registered;
f)     'Section' means a section of the Act;
g)    Unit’ means a Dwelling Unit (DU) in Ram Vihar.
h)   Member’ means a person falling under any of the categories mentioned in Para 5 of this Chapter.
i)      General Body’ means a body consisting of members of the Society which will be deemed to be the Competent Authority in all Society matters, unless otherwise specifically mentioned.
3.    Vision. To strive towards harmonious & eco friendly community living.
4.    Objectives of the Society.
a)    The objectives of the Society shall be to:—
                                        i.            Act as the Society of Apartment owners of Ram Vihar complex.
                                     ii.            Provide for maintenance, repair and restoration of common areas, services and facilities by contributions from apartment owners, accumulated savings from monthly maintenance charges etc  and if necessary, by raising loans for that purpose.
                                  iii.            Invest or deposit money in the name of the Society; with a view to optimize the utilization of available funds.
                                  iv.            To work towards improving quality of community life within the complex.
                                     v.            To do all or any of the matters provided in subsequent sections.
                                  vi.            Do all things necessary for the welfare of residents and for the attainment of objectives specified in these byelaws.
                               vii.            The Society shall not act beyond the scope of its objects without duly amending the provisions of these bye-laws as per procedure laid down for the said purpose.
5.    Members of Society. Following categories of persons are eligible for the membership of the Society:
a)    All original allottees of DUs in Ram Vihar complex who have subsequently executed a tripartite deed with NOIDA and AWHO.
b)   Upon sale, purchaser of a DU in Ram Vihar whose purchase has been approved by AWHO as per rules and executed a tripartite deed as in (a) above and paid the membership fee of the Society.
c)    Legal heirs of original allottees and subsequent buyers. (Membership fee is not applicable to this category). However, in case there are more legal heirs than one, an affidavit from other legal heirs relinquishing their rights in favour of one legal heir is essential.
6.    Associate Members. All tenants and residents who are neither Member nor Tenant (eg Power of Attorney Holders, spouse/ child/ sibling/relative of an owner not paying rent) will be granted Associate membership on submission of requisite Form. Associate members will not have any voting rights.
7.    Joint Owners of a DUWhere a DU has been registered in joint names, though joint registrants are entitled to the ownership of the DU jointly, only one person whose name appears first in the registration document shall be a member of the Society and will have the right to vote and eligible to be an office bearer of the BoM.
8.    Share CertificatesRVAOWS was neither constituted as a Cooperative Group Housing Society nor was it established prior to commencement of construction for of the dwelling complex. Hence, RVAOWS does not have any system of share holding. Therefore, the question of share certificates does not arise.
9.    Disqualification. No member is entitled to vote in the election of members of the Board or entitled to stand for election to such office, if he/she is in arrears, of any sum due from him/her in respect of his/her contributions for common expenses/ subscriptions/society dues, as on the last day of the month preceding the month in which the election to Board would take place.
10.     Voting. Only one vote is assigned to each DU. Votes will be cast in person; or through a proxy, as prescribed in Society Rules.
11.     Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these bye-laws, the presence in person of 10 percent of members ie 20, shall constitute a quorum. If any meeting of the Society cannot be held for want of Quorum, Chairperson of the Meeting shall adjourn the meeting to a time not less than forty-eight hours from the time the original meeting was called. If at such adjourned meeting also, no quorum is present, members present in person being not less than TEN, shall form a quorum.
Conduct of Elections
12. Eligibility for Voting & Standing for Society Election. Eligibility conditions for voting as well as for filing nomination for various posts in the Board of Management are given below:-

a) Voter/candidate should be a registered Member of RVAOWS as described in paragraphs 2 (h) of Chapter I.

b) No Society dues should be pending against the voter/ candidate, as on the last day of the last completed month. For example, if elections are scheduled on 22 May 16, no dues should be outstanding as on 30 Apr 16.

c) An individual, who has held any post in the BoM continuously for two terms, is not eligible to contest for a third consecutive term for the same post or any other post.
13.     In pursuance of above Rule, Board / EC will call for an AGM after giving 21 days notice. Normally, Elections are possible only on Third or Fourth Sunday of May. Main agenda will be the Election of a new Board of Management. Since the Board will change after this AGM, audited accounts will also be presented by the outgoing Board. Outgoing Board may also include any urgent issue. NO other issue will be taken up.
14.     Returning Officer. Outgoing Board will appoint a Returning Officer, who should be a resident, not a member & known to be neutral. Voting members and relatives of candidates will not be appointed.
15.     Duties of Returning Officer.
a)    Collect List of members from Society Office duly authenticated by the President/Vice President of Outgoing Board.
b)   Collect List of defaulters on account of nonpayment of Society dues, as on 30 Apr (if elections are in May).See Para 12 above.
c)    Do not permit non entitled persons to either stand for election or vote.
d)   Open, scrutinize nomination papers received from candidates & announce names of valid candidates in public.
e)    Organize voting during the AGM, once invited by the Society President, only when there are two or more candidates for a post. Candidates can be present during the counting process.
f)     Scrutinize Proxy Forms, as per these Byelaws & Society Rules.
g)    Submit a brief report to the Society Office within 48 hours of completion of the election.
16.     Filing of Nominations.
a)    Only duly registered members of the Society are eligible to file nomination for election to the Board of Management.
b)   Each member can file his/her nomination for one post only.
c)    Every nomination must be recommended by one Member and seconded by another member of the Society.
d)   Each Member can recommend/second one candidate only.
e)    Members filling nominations should have cleared all dues of the Society.
f)     All nominations shall be handed over to the Returning Officer by the time & date stipulated in the AGM cum Election Notice.
g)    In case no nomination is received for a particular post, the General Body shall nominate a person on the spot. In case of more than one nomination by the General Body, elections shall be held as per procedure laid down.
17.     Voting.
a)    Voting shall be done by secret ballot.
b)   Ballot papers shall be prepared in advance by the Returning Officer, with the help of the Board.
c)    Any ballot having cutting or overwriting shall be declared invalid.
d)   Each member or holder of proxy present at a general body meeting can exercise one vote only for each post.
e)    Candidate securing maximum votes will be declared the winner and elected.
f)     In case of a tie, the President of the outgoing Board shall have an additional casting vote.
18.     Voting by Proxy.
a)    Any member who cannot be present at the AGM may appoint another person to vote for him/her as a proxy. The person so nominated will be allowed inside the venue at the time of voting only.
b)   The proxy so appointed should be an associate member of the society or a spouse of a member/Associate Member of the Society.
c)    The proxy shall be an adult and of sound mind.
d)   A proxy can represent only one Member and, therefore, can cast only one vote.
e)    Any member present and voting himself cannot hold a proxy. Each member can cast only one vote unless he/she is the owner of two or more DUs.
f)     An owner of two or more DUs can cast one vote per DU as also he/she can appoint one Proxy per DU.
g)    Those members desirous of appointing a proxy shall leave a Form with self verified photo of the Proxy and own specimen signatures along with photocopy of a supporting document eg Passport/PAN Card, at the Society Office, minimum one clear working day in advance. Forms can be sent by FAX (normal signature) or electronic mail (with digital signature) also. The Returning Officer shall verify the photo physically at the time of voting. Signatures of the Member on the proxy from will be verified from any authentic Government/AWHO/Society document eg Passport, PAN Card. Please note that Society Office does not have a Facsimile machine.
19.     Powers and Duties of the  Society.
a)    Act as custodian of Land leased to AWHO by Noida Authority and other assets built thereupon which are not specifically allotted to members within Society complex.
b)   The Society  shall have the responsibility of approving the annual budget, and(through the Board of Management)  administering  Ram Vihar complex, establishing and collecting maintenance charges and other Society dues and arranging for the management of the complex in an efficient manner.
20.     Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Society shall be held at a suitable place, to be fixed by the Board of Management.
21.     Annual Meetings.  The annual meetings of the Society shall be held on such date as the Board may decide. At such meetings, Board of Management shall be elected by ballot of members in accordance with the requirements of these byelaws. The incumbent BoM may also circulate an agenda consisting of other points for transaction at such meetings.
22.     Special Meetings. It shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting of members, as directed by a resolution of the Management Board; or upon a requision signed by at least 20 members and having been presented to the Secretary in writing. The notice of any special meeting shall state the time and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof. No other business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice.
23.     Notice of Meetings. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to arrange to affix a copy of the Notice on the Notice Board located on Ground Floor of each Block, near the Elevators; at least seven days in advance. Notice will also be E mailed to members who have provided their current E mail address to the Society Office. The notice will also be placed on the Ram Vihar Blog/web site as and when activated. Seven days notice will be applicable only in case of requisitioned Special Meetings. In case of AGM ,21 days notice will be required.
24.     Adjourned Meeting. If any meeting of the Society cannot be held for want of Quorum, Chairperson of the Meeting may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than forty-eight hours from the time the original meeting was called. If at such adjourned meeting also, no quorum is present, members present in person being not less than TEN shall form a quorum.
25.     Order of Business. The order of business at all meetings shall be as follows:-
a)    Check Quorum.
b)   Proof of notice of meeting or waiver notice.
c)    Reading minutes of the preceding meeting, if applicable.
d)   Report of Outgoing Committee, if applicable.
e)    Take up listed Agenda.
f)     Vote of Thanks.
26.     Management of the Society. Affairs of the Society shall be governed by a Board. The Board of Management shall comprise of Six members elected by simple majority in the General Body Meeting .The office bearer of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Joint Secretary and a Joint Treasurer; all of whom shall be elected by and from among the members. The Board may co-opt two non members who can add value to running of the Society. He/she must be a bonafide resident spouse of a member or an associate member. However, spouse of a Board member will not be nominated.
27.  President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. He/ She shall preside over all meetings of the Society and of the Board. He/ She shall have all the general powers and duties which are usually vested in the office of the President of a Society, including the power to appoint committees from amongst members /residents from time to time with due consultation of other board members . The President has general control over all the affairs of the Society. He/she is the person who can sue on behalf of the Society, with the consent of the General Body or defend any legal action against the Society on behalf of the Society, after taking appropriate legal advice. All legal proceedings are instituted, continued or defended by the President. He/she signs all documents and papers and vakalatnamas relating thereto in the name and on behalf of the Society. However, the President is not personally liable for any legal action taken on behalf of or in defence of the Society The President also signs contracts approved or delegated by the Society/ Board.
28.     Vice President. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and in case both the President and the Vice President are absent, the Board shall appoint some other member of the Board to act as President; on an interim basis. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be assigned to him by the Board.
29.     Secretary.The secretary is responsible for the executive administration of the Society, subject to the control of the Board.The Secretary shall keep two separate minutes books, one for the Society of the Apartment Owners and the other for the Board, pages of each of which shall be consecutively numbered and authenticated by the President of the Society and shall record in the respective minutes books, resolutions adopted by the Society of Apartment Owners or the Board, as the case may be. He /She shall have charge of such books and papers as the Board may direct and he shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the Secretary.
30.     Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for Society funds and securities and shall also keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements in the books.
31.     Manager. The Board may employ a manager for the Society at a salary determined by the Board to perform such duties as the Board may authorize.
32.     Powers and Duties of the Board.  The Board shall have powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Society. This will include:-
a)    Laying down & periodically revising charges & levies to be paid by    members, tenants, visitors, domestic workers, shop owners & service providers staying/ working in Ram Vihar.
b)   However, approval of the General Body will be required for revising rates for monthly maintenance, additional cars/MC, transfer/NOC/Membership charges, Security Deposit/Temp membership charges paid by tenants & others, Community Hall Charges and and other items as may be required from time to time.
c)    Take steps like recovery charges, penalties & discontinuation of services to ensure compliance of Society rules & regulations.
d)   Handling of Complaints from Members/ Residents. Complaints received on society mailing address or through the Society Complaint Register or in writing should be promptly attended & grievances, if any, should be addressed within Ten working days. In case this is not possible due to a valid reason, an interim reply should be sent.
33.     Other Duties. In addition to duties laid down in these bye-laws or by a resolution of the Society, the Board shall be responsible for the following:—
a)    Maintenance, repair and restoration of common areas, services and facilities,
b)   Collection from apartment owners share of common expenses eg on expensive items such as repair/replacement of elevators/ DG Sets/roads etc, as approved by the General Body.
c)    Appointment and removal of persons employed for the maintenance, repair and replacement of common areas and facilities.
d)   To provide for the manner in which the audit of accounts of the Society shall be carried out.
e)    To inspect accounts kept by the Treasurer , examine registers and account books and to take steps for the recovery of all sums due to the Society,
f)     To see that cash book is written up promptly and is signed regularly by Treasurer or in his/her absence, by the Joint Treasurer.
g)    To specify the times at which and the manner in which the Annual General Body Meetings and Special General Body Meetings of the Society shall be held and conducted.
34.     Election and Term of Office. The Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the Society, to   be held in the first quarter of each financial year, shall elect Six members namely the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Joint Secretary and Joint Treasurer from Members of the Society. The term of office of the Board shall be one year from the date of assuming office or the next scheduled election, as stated above, whichever is earlier. Office bearers will be eligible for re-election, provided that a person cannot be an office bearer continuously for more than two years.
35.     Vacancies.  Vacancies in the Board caused by any reason other than the removal of an office bearer by a vote of the Society shall be filled by vote of the majority of the remaining office bearers. Such person(s) who is (are) elected to vacant post(s) will hold office only till the residual term of the BoM. In case four or more members of the Board resign, the Board will not have the requisite quorum, therefore, it will cease to function with immediate effect.  In case Board cannot fill vacancies as above or four or more Board members resign; a special meeting of the General Body will be called by the President (or In his/her absence, Vice President/Secretary or Treasurer, in that order), within 48 hours, to fill up vacancies on the spot or order fresh elections. First Agenda Point will be whether to fill up vacancies on the spot or to hold fresh elections. Decision will be based on a majority vote. In case fresh elections are ordered, an Interim Committee, comprising of three members, will be nominated on the spot by the General Body; to run the affairs of the Society till a new Board is constituted. The interim committee will have limited powers to manage the affairs of the Society for the interim period and will not undertake any projects, sign new contracts or incur any major expenditure. However, the Interim Committee will be able to operate bank accounts of the Society to meet day to day expenditure and payment of staff salaries.
36.     Removal of Office Bearers. At any regular or special meeting of the General Body of the Society duly called, any one or more of the Office bearers may be removed for reasons deemed fit by a majority of members and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created. Any Office bearer, whose removal has been proposed by members, shall be entitled to be heard at the meeting.
37.     Organization of Meeting.  The first meeting of a newly elected Board shall be held within ten days of election.
38.     Regular Meeting of the Board. Regular meetings of the Board should be held in the Society office as often as possible but at least one such meeting shall be held every month. Notice of regular meetings of the Board shall be given to each office bearer personally or by e mail, at least two days in advance.
39.     Special Meetings of the Board. Special meetings may be called by the President at 24 hours notice to each office bearer in order to deal with emergent situations. Notice of such meeting may be given personally to each office bearer. Special meetings of the Board may also be called by the President or the Secretary on a written request of at least three office bearers. 
40.     Waiver of NoticeIf a situation warrants immediate meeting of the BoM and prescribed notice is not feasible, President is empowered to waive the notice for reasons recorded in writing.
41.        Quorum. In all the meetings of the Board, quorum will be three elected members.
42.        Resignation by Members of the Board. Resignation will be addressed to the President and handed over in writing to the Secretary or the Manager. Seven days notice will be mandatory for the resignation to be effective. Documents in personal custody of an office bearer; like cheque book or Fixed Deposit Receipts or cash, will be handed over either to the President or another Board member designated by the President; immediately along with the resignation.
43.     Maintenance Charges & Other Society Dues. All owners are obliged to   pay Maintenance charges & other dues within the stipulated time frame, laid down by the Society to meet all expenses related to the Ram Vihar.
44.     Lease & Hiring of Apartments.
a)    Owners should let out their apartments to suitable persons only after verifying their credentials.
b)   Prior permission is required from the Board before the new tenant moves in. This is granted after all valid documents are submitted to the Society Office.
c)    Owners will obtain police verification report of the proposed tenant from the concerned police station and submit to the Society Office.
d)   All tenants will have to submit an undertaking as per format available in the office .This form contains essential Society Rules and various charges.
e)    Tenant should be introduced to the Board at the earliest.
45.     Maintenance and Repairs.
a)    Every owner must perform all maintenance and repair work within his own unit.
b)   All repairs of internal installations of the unit such as water, light, gas, power, sewerage, telephone, air-conditioners, sanitary installations, doors, windows, lamps, and all other accessories, shall be at the expense of apartment owner concerned.
c)    The Owner shall reimburse the Society for any "expenditure" incurred in repairing or restoring any common area and facilities damaged due to his fault. The decision of the Board shall be final in this respect.
46.     Major Repairs. If a building requires major repairs for its structural safety or other sufficient reason, a detailed estimate thereof shall be got prepared by the Board of Management through an engineer to be appointed by the Board and thereupon, after the approval of the estimate by the General Body, the members shall contribute their share for carrying out such repairs.
47.     Use of Dwelling UnitsInternal Changes.
a)    All Units shall be utilized for residential/approved purposes only.
b)   In pursuance of the undertaking given by allottees for allotment of dwelling unit by AWHO, an owner shall not make any structural modifications or alterations in his unit or installations located therein, without notifying the Society in writing and obtaining the requisite permission of the appropriate sanctioning authority (AWHO or NOIDA Authority).
c)    No owner shall undertake any work that affects the external facade of the building from any angle i.e. covering of balconies and terraces with masonry work, change of colour, etc.
d)   No owner shall undertake any work that affects the stability and structure of the building, in any manner. Beams, pillars and Load bearing walls will not be removed or disturbed.
e)    No owner shall undertake any works that may:-
                                        i.            Result in encroachment of common areas,
                                     ii.            Result in damage or disturbance of common areas, adjacent upper or lower floors. If any of the above changes are caused by any owner, he will restore them at his own cost, failing which the Society is entitled to effect recovery of the cost of restoration from him.
48.     Transfer of an Apartment.The transfer of an apartment shall be enabled by concluding a registered sale/transfer deed of an apartment. The transferee shall first obtain a NO Objection certificate from RVAOWS and then apply to AWHO for processing registration of the dwelling unit sub-lease with NOIDA Authority.  Provided further that the transferor of an apartment owner shall pay ½ percent of the transfer value to the Society for transferring his apartment to his prospective buyer and such amount shall be used in future for the major repairs of the building and such amount shall be placed in the Corpus Fund.
49.     Use of Apartments, Common Areas and Facilities.
a)    An apartment owner of a residential unit shall use it for only residential purpose.
b)   No apartment owner would exempt himself from liability for his contribution towards the common expenses by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the general and/or limited common areas and facilities, or by the abandonment of his dwelling unit.
c)    An owner shall not place or cause to be placed in the lobbies, vestibules, stairways, elevators and other areas of facilities of a similar nature both common and restricted, any furniture, packages or objects of any kind. Such areas shall be used for no other purpose than for normal transit through them.
d)   If an apartment owner causes any obstruction in the use of the common area or facility by reason of creating an obstruction by putting his furniture and packages etc and fails to remove it despite a written request of the Society, the Society may have the obstruction removed at the cost & expense of the offending owner/resident.
e)    Elevators shall be used by owners or their tenants and their guests and employees. Heavy articles, the transportation of which in the lift or elevator along with owners, tenants or their guests or the employees shall cause discomfort or inconvenience to other users of elevators, shall be transported only between non-peak hours (1100 to 1600 hours on Monday to Friday). Building material & awkward sized items like cots, almirahs, sofas etc will not be carried in lifts.
f)     The convenience shops within the building shall be regulated in a manner that no inconvenience is caused to residents. Such convenience shops should cater to the needs of residents and not outsiders.
g)    Owners shall be liable to pay proportionate ground rent or any other tax levied by a Government Authority.
h)   The  Society should be informed whenever any change in the ownership of the DU takes place and submit relevant papers listed in Para 48 above. Similarly, when a change in tenancy takes place, members shall provide information to the Board, along with a copy of the lease/rent agreement. New tenant should apply on a specified form before moving in his/her baggage.
i)      All residents shall ensure that their domestic help, servants and drivers obtain a valid security pass from the Society. They shall ensure that no servant/domestic help/ driver/ any other employee remains inside the Society overnight; unless specific written permission is obtained  eg on grounds of sickness or advanced age of the resident. These persons will reside inside the flat and use toilet facilities of the concerned Flat.
All residents are required to pay the charges as levied by the Jal Nigam annually direct to Noida Jal Nigam & deposit a copy with the Society Office by 30 Apr 16.
50.     Right of Entry. An owner/resident/tenant (or his family members living in the apartment) shall permit entry into his apartment of an office bearer or any other person authorized by the Board in case of emergency,whether the owner is present at the time or not.
51.      Rules of Conduct.
a)    No resident shall post any advertisement or poster of any kind in or on the building, except as authorized by the Society.
b)   Residents shall exercise extreme care and restraint about making noises or the use of musical instruments, radios, television and amplifiers etc that may disturb others. Residents keeping pets shall abide by the municipal sanitary bye-laws or regulations.
c)    It is prohibited to throw garbage or trash outside the disposal places provided for such purpose in the service areas.
d)   No owner, resident or lessee shall install wiring for electrical or telephone installation, television antenna, machines or air-conditioning units etc, on the exterior of the building except as authorized by the Society.
e)    Residents will ensure that they do not keep flowerpots or any other items in their balconies, windows or common areas that may be hazardous to the safety of other residents. They will also not construct any railings outwards to keep flower pots or other items thus causing inconvenience to lower floor residents.
f)     Nobody will cause any damage to Society property or property of other residents.
g)    Residents will not interfere in the functioning of Security Guards.
h)   A multi-storey apartment complex is not conducive to keep Pets eg dogs, cats, birds etc. Their number must be gradually reduced. New residents, both owners & tenants, should be encouraged not to bring Pets of any kind. Suitable charges & penalties may be levied by the BoM, for this purpose.
i)      Urination/ defecation by pets within complex will attract charges as fixed by the SocietyDogs are not permitted in Society Lawns.
j)      If anyone’s pet bites a resident/ Society employee/ workers, then medical bills including conveyance to and fro from Hospital of the affected person will be the responsibility of the owner of the Pet. Victims shall also have the option to take legal recourse, in addition.
k)   Damage to Flats. In case any damage is caused due to repair/ alteration of anyone else’s flat resulting in leakages or structural damage to the building or to other flats, the same will be repaired by the concerned owner/resident. In case damage is not rectified within 15 days, the Board will ask the defaulter to pay charges fixed by General Body and have the fault repaired at the cost of the defaulter. For such matters, the Board may arbitrate between residents and its decision shall be final.
l)      Common Area. No resident shall keep any luggage or   any such item in Society common area. The entrance to elevators, DG Rooms & all Blocks & buildings will be kept free. Keeping of flower pots on stairs, in front of lifts and fire escape balconies is strictly prohibited.
m) Commercial Activities. No commercial activity of any kind will be carried out within the complex by any resident. Flats will not be converted into an office, class room, trading outlet, hostel, guest house or used as a dormitory. Charges, as fixed by the Society, will be levied and owner asked to discontinue the activity forthwith.
52.     Damages to Society Assets or Common Areas or Facilities thereupon. Any damage due to the negligence misuse or faults on the part of a resident, family member (s), or guest (s) shall be made good by the apartment owner. The Society shall charge the apartment owner for such repairs, an amount to cover the cost of time, labour and materials. The charge must be paid by the apartment owner/resident within 30 days of the demand of the charge.
53.        Unlawful Activities. The apartment owner/resident, his family or guest (s) shall not engage in any act intended to facilitate criminal activity, including act of violence in the apartment, building or common areas.
54.        Visitors /Guests. Visitors / guest (s) of the resident are to be refrained from any conduct which disturbs the privacy and quiet enjoyment of the other apartment owners or occupants. The apartment owners shall be responsible for the actions of their guest (s) who would be expected to abide by all rules and regulations at all times without any exceptions.
55.     Funds.Funds may be raised by the Society to meet heavy capital expenditure in any or all of the following ways:-
a)    By unconditional contributions and donations by apartment owners; tenants, reputed individuals & agencies.
b)   From accrued savings in the reserve funds;
c)    By raising loans, if necessary, subject to such terms and conditions as stipulated and approved by General Body of the Society. 
56.     Investment. The Society may invest or deposit its funds in one or more of the Public Sector Banks or Private Indian Banks of repute eg ICICI/HDFC/IndusInd/Axis Bank.
57.     Accounts.
a)    The Society shall maintain a banking account and deposit the money received on behalf of the Society.
b)   Cash transactions will be kept to the minimum. Payments /receipts above Rs 2000 must be by cheque, unless permitted by the Treasurer/ Vice President. Cash with the Manager will NOT exceed Rs 20,000.
c)    All cheques will be signed by two members of the Board of Management viz President (or Vice President in his absence) & one elected member of the Board of Management. Names of four signatories will be forwarded to Bankers, under the Signature of the President; for this purpose.
d)   A register will be maintained by the Manager & scrutinized by the Treasurer, where all records of subscriptions & charges due & received will be maintained. A list of members/ residents with outstanding dues should be made public by 20th of each month.
e)    The Society shall on or before the 30 Apr in each year publish an audited financial statement in respect of the common areas and facilities containing,-
                                                    i.            The profit and loss accounts;
                                                 ii.            The receipts and expenditure of the previous financial year; or
                                              iii.            A summary of the property and assets and liabilities of the common areas and facilities of the Society  giving such particulars as will disclose the general nature of these liabilities and assets and how the value of fixed assets have been arrived at.
f)     The audited financial statement shall be open  to  inspection of any member of the Society during office hours and a copy shall be submitted to the Deputy Registrar of Societies, Meerut; not later than 31st of July every year.
g)    The Society shall send by e mail, on an address provided by members, a summary of its audited financial statement to all apartment owners within a period of 15 days from the date of the publication of its audited financial statement referred to in sub-clause (e) above.
58.     Publication of Accounts and Reports. A copy of the last financial statement and of the report of the auditor, if any, shall be kept in a conspicuous place in the office of the Society.
59.     Appointment of Auditors. The Society shall appoint at its Annual General Meeting an auditor who shall audit the accounts of the Society prepared by the Board. 
60.     Power of Auditor. The auditor shall be entitled to call for and examine any papers or documents belonging to the Society relating to the common areas and facilities and common expenses and shall make a special report to the Society upon any matter connected with the accounts which appears to him to require notice.
61.  ComplianceSince Ram Vihar Society was formed as far back as 1997 much prior to the coming into force of the UP Apartment Act 2010, these bye-laws have adopted the model bye-laws of the 2010 Act to the extent necessary and feasible.
62.  Seal of the Society. The Society shall have a common seal which shall be in the custody of the Secretary and shall be used under the authority of a resolution of the Board and every Deed of Instrument to which seal is affixed shall be attested for and on behalf of the   Society by two members of the Board and the Secretary or any other person authorized by the Society.
63.  Administrative Instructions/Rules. Board will issue Instructions, Rules operating Procedures, Guidelines & Circulars to give effect to contents of these bye-laws, within the overall policies of the Society.
64.     Amendment of Bye-Laws. These Bye-laws may be amended by the Society in a duly constituted meeting for such purpose and no amendment shall take effect unless approved by Society in a General Body Meeting with full quorum

  *******   END   *******
Brig Narinder Dhand,
Founder & Convener
Veteran's Web Portals.

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